Monday, June 28, 2010

G-20 memories

Last September I was shooting video of the G-20 protests in Pittsburgh. The second day of protests a group of photographers followed crowds of sometimes unruly protesters around the city as they chanted, yelled and marched. It was all pretty peaceful. Here is a video of some of the "action" when some protesters accused one person of being a police officer. What is interesting in this video is, well, me. I shot some footage of the harassed officer, who was never actually unmasked as a member of any police organization, as far as I know.

Later that night, at protests near the University of Pittsburgh a police officer savagely beat me to the ground, damaging both my body and my camera. What I found ironic was that during daylight hours I was impressed by the professionalism and restraint of the police, which was the exact opposite of their night time behavior, which was both chaotic and brutal.

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