I have long been a supporter for marriage, having endured a marriage for 10 long long years, I felt uniquely qualified to argue that everyone should experience the particular pain of marriage and what happens when it fails. I know, not all marriages fail, but a bunch do, and those that do are something most people do not like to experience, ever again.
So, I was talking to my friend this past week and the subject of gay marriage came up, and I said, it really is simple, everyone adult should be allowed to marry whomever they fall in love. Enough with the divide, that someone like Brittany Spears can meet someone in Vegas and actually get married 10 minutes later. That is weird, but not wrong.
What is this fear of allowing gays to marry? Gays are everywhere, they serve in the military, they get elected to office, they hold strange and sometimes obscene parades and they work in parks, offices and medical facilities. Gays deserve to marry, at least as much as straight people. The problem is, voters are deciding what is right.
Voters are stupid and selfish.
Historically voters are stupid and selfish. Many decades ago laws were passed to allow women to vote and blacks to marry whites. Interestingly enough, polls at the time showed majorities did not support either law. Imagine that. If voters would have had a say, women would not be allowed to vote and my sister would never have married her Japanese husband. Just to be honest, my sister is not married to a Japanese man. She is married to an African man.
I'm sorry, that too was not reality. She is not married, but I am positive that given the chance she would marry either a Japanese or African man. Let's be clear, she would want to marry a man, which is legal and sweet and romantic. But what is she wanted to marry a hot sexy woman? Her state would not allow such a travesty. Why is that?
I have a solution. Let's just remove all those extra gifts that married people get. Tax breaks, insurance breaks and death benefits. Those could all be handled in some legal document and marriage would go back to being a religious festival. Then, guess what? Some religions would marry the gays and no one would care. Better yet, take a look at some of the states that have found it kind of fun to let gays marry. That argument that gay marriage will damage the foundation of our society seems to get tossed out when the gays marry and no one seems to care.
I mean, seriously, if your neighbor is gay married and you find yourself strangely attracted to that gay love, then you probably would have done so without them being married. I know it's silly, but gays are no more evil than straights. Yes, yes, yes, there are gay freaks who want to have sex with kids, or steal peoples money, or drive drunk. Just like there are straights who do exactly the same thing. It's bad, and illegal and punishment is on the books to deal with freaks of nature.
Bottom line time, I got married because I was in love. I could have cared less if the government gave me a perk, or smiled and allowed me a license or anything else. I was in love and I got married. When that love was gone, we got divorced, which is much worse for society, because children need two parents. Children seem to care less if those two parents are gay, straight or zebras, they just need duel opinions and love and respect and a decent meal.
It might be healthy that we are having this debate, much like our country debated women's right to vote and interracial couples right to marry, debate all you want, but get serious and stop being a dick. Gays will earn the right to marry, but only after the fanatics and bigots are shamed into being adults and shutting up. If you do not like gay marriage, then do not marry a gay.
Hi. Thank you for being awesome. :)