Sunday, September 12, 2010

A bunch of amazing things

Literally, I just got off the plane from Arizona. That is not true, recently I got off the plane from Arizona. Oh, before I mention all the great things I witnessed, experienced and engaged in while in Phoenix, on the plane ride home I sat next to a woman with cankles. Kankles? Large ankles.

She was nice, but the entire trip, or at least the part where I was awake, she ate junk food. Weird.

Oh, and I just got a call from the republican party, they wanted to ask me some questions, like who would I support in the senate race, the congressional race and what sort of job President Obama is doing. When asked that last question, I said, I do not think of him as president, in fact (I said) I refer to him as Czar Obama, and then my daughter corrected me, we call him Chairman Obama. The republican girl giggled. She had one last question, do I support the changes to the nations health care system. I said, I do not support health care for anyone.

Well, maybe people with cankles.

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