Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Economics 101

An emailed suggested that I may have solved the worlds hunger problems with my donut purchase from yesterday. While I am no Mother Theresa, I will be happy to accept the Nobel Prize if indeed my buy a donut for free system works for everyone in need of a donut.

I like Elizabeth Warren, who has been keeping her eye on the TARP bailout money and seems like a very smart person. During the filming of Deregulating Greed I called her Harvard office a few times and even spoke with her secretary at the Treasury office she was using to watch every dollar ever printed, or something. Because really, when you think about it, what exactly has Ms. Warren been doing lately? There is a rumor she engages in really kinky phone sex with somewhat congress person Barney Frank, the lisping prancing congressman from her very own district. It's a rumor, but still, it does make sense.

Moving on.

Warren is in line to take a job she herself created. Now, think about this for a second. A couple of years ago Ms. Warren was a professor of law at Harvard, which is just a little surprising, at least to me, because I did not know Harvard even had a law department. In my experience with Harvard, it was all about the pudding.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is something that just recently was created to keep financial institutions from pulling the same scams that almost brought down the world economy a couple of years ago. Warren has been an outspoken supporter of the CFPB. Now, the president, may be set to nominate Warren as the head of the CFPB. Brilliant. Create a career position in a government over-sight committee that has basically no power or teeth to enforce silly rules that have been watered down by the likes of your phone sex partner, the lisping prancing queen of Harvard Square.

Got to love these political types.

1 comment:

  1. "Lisping, prancing queen of Harvard Square?" Classic.

    Phone sex between Warren and Frank? My brain cells are committing suicide, make it stop.
