Saturday, August 6, 2011

Comcast Customer Service online chat

Because I do not pay attention to things like billing statements, I only recently discovered that my Comcast bill has almost doubled in the last couple of months. In the modern age, you log on to the company website and chat with friendly people who may or may not understand simple English. What follow is the exact online chat I had tonight with some of Comcasts more drug addled chat people.

analyst Maricel has entered room

MaricelBBBL: Hello Matt, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Maricel. Please give me one moment to review your information.

Matt: My Issue: My bill charges have doubled over the last couple of months, without notice. I went back to January 2011, the bill was 62 dollars, now it's 110. I never authorized this, no new services have been added. This needs to be fixed.

MaricelBBBL: You have reached Comcast Billing Department. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help resolve your issue. I'm sure we can work together to get this resolved for you as soon as possible.

MaricelBBBL: My apologies for the frustration this issue has caused you with your bill that went up, Matt. I'm going to do everything I can to resolve this with you today.

Matt: OK

MaricelBBBL: I understand that you want me to check the details of the bill why it went up, am I correct?

Matt: Yes

Matt: I'd also like a credit, since I just caught this during this cycle, but it has been too high for a couple of months.

MaricelBBBL: Thank you for confirming the issue an I am sorry to hear that from you, Matt.

MaricelBBBL: Were the services on promotions when you ordered?

Matt: Not that I was made aware of.

MaricelBBBL: Okay, no problem.

MaricelBBBL: Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I'm sure we can work together to get this resolved for you as soon as possible.

MaricelBBBL: Let me check that on the account first.

MaricelBBBL: I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. I can certainly understand your frustration, and I really appreciate the opportunity to make things right.

MaricelBBBL: No worries! I will personally take care of this for you, Matt! I am here to provide you with excellent customer service today with our issue with your bill that went up . Please be assured I will do my best to help you with your concern.

MaricelBBBL: Thank you for providing your information in the chat initiation form. Would you please verify the information below is correct?

Matt: I could not find any notice in my original paperwork, nor was I ever sent any new information that indicated there would be any price increase.

MaricelBBBL: Thank you.

Matt: yes

Matt: My account number: XXXXXXXXXX

MaricelBBBL: To protect your account I will need to verify some additional information. Would you please provide me with the account number or the last 4 digits of your social security number? Thank you .

MaricelBBBL: Thank you for giving me the account information. Please give me a minute or two for me to pull up the account. Thank you.

MaricelBBBL: You can pay your bill, access your Comcast email, Comcast Digital Voice voicemail, schedule DVR events, and browse TV listings all in one location. Visit to learn more. If you have any questions after we are finished, I'll be more than happy to answer them for you.

MaricelBBBL: While you are waiting why not check out Comcast Customer Central from either or and learn more about managing your account online. If you have any questions after we are finished, I'll be more than happy to answer them for you.

MaricelBBBL: Our goal is to provide you with a consistently superior customer experience – that’s our guarantee. Learn more about the Comcast Customer Guarantee at

Matt: I have had no problems with Comcast, except when I found about that I am being overcharged.

MaricelBBBL: Thank you.

Matt: How long will this take?

MaricelBBBL: Matt, I am sorry, the billing system is taking time to open

Matt: ok

MaricelBBBL: Matt, I am sorry but your $39.99 double play package promotions expired

Matt: and it doubled?

Matt: or tripled?

MaricelBBBL: It went back to its original rate of $90.90

MaricelBBBL: Would you like to check promotions that can be applied on your account so that the bill will be lowered?

Matt: Immediately, because to be honest, Verizon has some great offers that do not have these time limits, plus they link to my cell service.

MaricelBBBL: Thank you.

Matt: What you are saying is if I stay with comcast, my bill will be 90 a month?

MaricelBBBL: Please stay connected while I escalate you to my partner in sales department . Thank you for contacting comcast! Thank you and take care!

MaricelBBBL: That was the reason why we need to check on promotions that can be applied to the account, Matt

Matt: OK, I could not log into the Comcast site. Please check for me.

MaricelBBBL: What error message were you getting?

Matt: I could not get the regular site that lists possible bundled packages.

Matt: Have I now been pushed threw to the sales department?

MaricelBBBL: Matt, I will transfer you directly to my partner in sales

MaricelBBBL: Are you ready now?

Matt: yes, I was actually ready the first time you asked me.

Matt: verizon is 49.99 for the first year.

MaricelBBBL: Thank you,

MaricelBBBL: Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst

analyst Johanna has entered room

JohannaMBOE: Hi! Welcome to the Comcast Chat Sales Department, Matt! I really appreciate the time you are taking to contact us. I will be assisting you throughout our conversation until we finish your request. You may call me Johanna. How you are doing?

analyst Maricel has left room

analyst Maricel has left room

Matt: Super good

JohannaMBOE: I understand that you are interested in lowering your monthly bill. Is this correct?

Matt: I am interested in Comcast sticking with the original deal I signed up with, yes.

Matt: It has doubled recently.

Matt: Without warning.

JohannaMBOE: I am sorry to know that, Matt.

JohannaMBOE: Please give me 2 minutes to review your account.

Matt: OK

JohannaMBOE: Matt, I can see that your cable and internet promotion has rolled over to its regular rate. Since you are chatting to lower your bill, we can look for downgrade options for you.

JohannaMBOE: Please be advised that we cannot renew or extend a promotion to an existing service in an account.

Matt: Well, we have basic cable, barely use the phone service, and our internet is spotty at best, I can't imagine what a downgrade would look like.

Matt: Please be advised that Verizon is offering 250 channels of cable HiDef TV, Vios internet and phone service for 49 a month for a 2 year contract.

Matt: that is less than half of what I pay Comcast

Matt: with many more TV options and a higher bandwith for internet

JohannaMBOE: I understand. However, downgrading your services is the last option that we can give you to lower your monthly bill. In the meantime, please check the offers your local market has. If you are not happy with their offer, you can chat back and we will look for some downgrade options for you.

Matt: No, I may not have been clear.

Matt: What I would prefer is that Comcast does not change my billing rate, but if you can not change it back to the agreed upon rate, there are options withyour competition that are superior, at a lower cost.

JohannaMBOE: To give you an information, you can choose to downgrade your phone service to Local with More for only $24.95 per month. We also have Economy Internet 1Mbps $26.95 per month.

Matt: Can you tell me what my normal internet usage is over the last few months?

JohannaMBOE: Matt, I am sorry, I do not have an access on that. You may call the technical support department to have them check for you. Your current internet speed is 12Mbps.

Matt: By the way, just to be clear, it is sleazy business practices to raise my bundle rate without any sort of notice what-so-ever.

Matt: so the offer of 1Mbps is less than a 10th of what I have now? Really?

JohannaMBOE: Yes.

Matt: So, what I would appreciate is, a return to my agreed up, contracted rate, and a refund of the over charges onto my account.

JohannaMBOE: You can stick with your current internet plan and its going to be $45.95 per month.

Matt: Is there a supervisor you can push me towards?

Matt: because, to be honest, you are not offering me a savings, just worse service for about the same amount of money.

Matt: And your competition can beat those offers on every point.

Matt: Supervisor please.

JohannaMBOE: I understand how frustrating this might be, I apologize for the inconvenience of not getting a warning that your promotion is about to expire. I would love to process your request in getting the same service at the same rate, however, we do not renew a promotion. As expected, promotion has it end date.

JohannaMBOE: Here's what we will do. I will note your account with the option that I gave you. In the meantime, please call 1-800-9346489 and ask for the cancellation department. They will be able to give you offers for existing customers we do not have online.

Matt: Supervisor please!

JohannaMBOE: You will be able to save $15 per month in getting the Local with More Phone service $24.95 per month and Performance Internet at $45.95 per month.

JohannaMBOE: One moment please while I check a Supervisor for you.

Matt: the number you gave me does not work at this time...thanks for that

JohannaMBOE: You are welcome.

Matt: I was being sarcastic.

JohannaMBOE: Matt, can you please stay online for 2 to 3 minutes while waiting for a supervisor?

Matt: yes, of course. It's not like I have anything better to do than chat online with someone completely unwilling to help.

JohannaMBOE: Thank you for your patience in waiting, Matt.

JohannaMBOE: Matt, I will now connect you over to my supervisor.

JohannaMBOE: Would there be anything else that I can help you?

Matt: Please.

JohannaMBOE: Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst

analyst Johanna has left room

analyst Theresa has entered room

Matt: My Issue: My bill charges have doubled over the last couple of months, without notice. I went back to January 2011, the bill was 62 dollars, now it's 110. I never authorized this, no new services have been added. This needs to be fixed.

SUPTheresaC: Welcome to Comcast Chat Sales! I see you are interested in adding Comcast services. It's my pleasure to process your order and answer any questions you may have throughout our conversation.

Matt: I am interested in having my bill lowered to what it was.

SUPTheresaC: I see. let me go ahead and check it first.

SUPTheresaC: Can you provide me with the account number and the complete name of the account holder.

Matt: yes


Matt: I hope that helps.

SUPTheresaC: Thank you

Matt: Sure

SUPTheresaC: Let me look at the account and for security verification can you provide us with the last 4 of the account holder's ssn

SUPTheresaC: Matt, are you still there?

Matt: Yes, I am focused on a couple of other things.

SUPTheresaC: thank you very much.

SUPTheresaC: I can see that you have basic cable, performance internet and Unlimited phone service, correct?

Matt: yes

Matt: yes

Matt: the problem, I had a bundle price that came to about 60 per month, and now it is around 120.

SUPTheresaC: I checked and your services has already rolled off to it's regular price from a 6 month's promotion of $39.99 internet and phone and your basic cable remained the same.

Matt: Verizon is offering better televison, 250 channels, equal internet and phone service, for about 60 per month, 2 year contract.

SUPTheresaC: I see. Matt, I understand that you want to lower down your bill, correct?

Matt: yes

SUPTheresaC: As for the offer of Verizon, I can see that they have promotions that are competitive to ours in monetary terms but I can guarantee you that our services is of best quality regardless of the price.

Matt: I want Comcast to charge me the prices we agreed upon when I signed up.

SUPTheresaC: I understand that you want to save some money on your packages. However, the promotional rates can only be taken advantage once.

SUPTheresaC: We can upgrade your service but definitely it will increase your monthly rate.

Matt: I am interested in saving money....and not getting secret charges added on

SUPTheresaC: Downgrade is also applicable but it will lessen the features of your package.

Matt: No, to be clear, Verizon has offered more services at less money that I pay now. I don't want to upgrade, I want to avoid being gouged by a heartless corporation.

SUPTheresaC: Well, I have an option that can certainly suit your needs. Care to hear it?

Matt: Why yes, I can hardly wait.

SUPTheresaC: It seems like you've been with us for quite some time and I can give you the loyalty department's number where discounts are applicable. You can retain the same services but will be able to get it at a lesser price. I'm sure you won't regret calling. The number to call is: 866-565-4863 - loyalty department or you can also reach this department at 18009346489 and select option 4. It's also called retention's department. Unfortunately, they are closed over the weekend. If you want, you can give them a call by Monday between 9am-5pm.

SUPTheresaC: Rest assured that everything will be taken care of and considerably resolved.

SUPTheresaC: Are we good with the suggestion, Matt?

SUPTheresaC: I'm sure that you will change your mind from cancelling your current service once you're done with our retention's department.

SUPTheresaC: Matt?

Matt: I am speaking to customer service now, and it is frustrating...

SUPTheresaC: I understand how you feel about this but this is the only that we can get other options in lowering down your bill without any downgrades applied.

SUPTheresaC: Since you're already with our customer service, would there be anything else that I can further assist you tonight?

Matt: terrible service all the way around...

Matt: this is shameful

SUPTheresaC: I know how it feels like to have something like this and I would definitely feel the same way that you do if this ever happens to me.

Matt: I am shocked that this is the way you run your business. The guy on the phone is only able to bad mouth Verizon, not offer any savings and is more than willing to cut all services down to basically nothing, and still cost more than what I was paying.

SUPTheresaC: However, I was able to check and the system automatically corrects the package once it's promotional rate rolls off

Matt: right

Matt: see, the problem is, the system raised my rate with no warning to me, just one month it doubled.

SUPTheresaC: The package you had before for $39.99 for internet and phone is a rare package and was only offered to few location and luckily you're residing within the area.

Matt: now, I can not get any sort of deal, unless I switch to your competition.

SUPTheresaC: But no worries, once you reach our retention's department, everything will be taken cared of.

Matt: It seems absurd to me that Comcast can not work with customers in a more honest manner

SUPTheresaC: Just give our retention a call because they have codes that are applicable to your need and is possible for you to extend the promotion that you had at the very onset of your stay here with us.

Matt: Umm, that's just not true, your retentions department seemed to be manned by vicious monkeys who could only offer to cut current services and never match any sort of equitable offer in terms of service and price.

Matt: You are lying to me.

SUPTheresaC: I am not.

Matt: Retention had no ability to offer any sort of deal, just to remove services

SUPTheresaC: Did our retention department did that?

Matt: Yes, they would only remove phone and TV service to try and lower my bill.

SUPTheresaC: Because we had a lot of resolution coming from retentions.

SUPTheresaC: Wow!

SUPTheresaC: Did you call the same number that I posted, Matt?

Matt: Not as you said, possible offering to extend the promotion. although I will print that out to show to the customer service people on monday.

Matt: I called the one Johanna had posted previously.

SUPTheresaC: was that the 18009346489?

Matt: I was on the phone, while you were typing.

Matt: Yes that is the number I called. The rude person I spoke with spent much more time bad mouthing Verizon than trying to offer me any reason to stay with comcast, which was not the brightest marketing ploy I have ever experienced.

Matt: This is terribly frustrating.

SUPTheresaC: Matt, were you able to get the name of that representative?

Matt: I did not write it down, but I asked that a supervisor call me back and he assued me I would get a call back within 24 hours.

SUPTheresaC: Because that is a totally wrong customer service and I would feel terribly bad about it if I was in your place.

Matt: I do feel bad. It was highly unusual. But I am trying to resolve this and it looks like I am not going to be able to.

SUPTheresaC: Anyway, I think it would be better if you can check again with retentions during weekdays say first thing Monday because it might be just that representative because during the weekend, there are only few of them.

Matt: Seriously?

SUPTheresaC: But that doesn't give them a reason to inform you of the options that way

Matt: Well, I can call on monday, but I will also be calling other providers, you know, the ones who offer better service at less money? I am pretty sure you have seen their commercials.

SUPTheresaC: I understand. But try to call by Monday say between 9am-5-pm.

Matt: The phone guys name was Steve, I got him on the phone agan.

SUPTheresaC: I can assure you that our retentions department is not as rude as what happened to you earlier.

Matt: He said there is no retention code available to offer me...

SUPTheresaC: Now that is really weird.

Matt: He said if you have a retention code, you should use it. He said that if you are telling me that retention people have codes, that you would have access to those same codes.

Matt: He said you were wrong.

SUPTheresaC: My apologies, Matt. However, for only processes, our codes are only limited for online procedures.

Matt: Well, I am getting the run around. He has no codes, you have no codes, and I am being over charged.

Matt: This is insane.

SUPTheresaC: If you will ask me, I would highly suggest you to call again by monday because you already went through Steve earlier and he will definite tell you the same thing.

Matt: He continues.

Matt: He says you are wrong.

SUPTheresaC: But if you call and you will be able to get a different phone representative, you can then differentiate if retention can really assist you or not.

Matt: He is calling you a liar.

SUPTheresaC: What do online is just to process orders that are still available in the website and downgrade without cancellation of service as well as upgrade.

SUPTheresaC: Our access to the codes are limited compared to the access gained by local office, phone department, retentions and kiosk.

Matt: Well, I am sorry to say that I have been a Comcast customer for over two years and I have had little or no complaints, but this sort of unprofessionalism I am experiencing is beyond the pale. You shift the blame to Steve, he shifts it back to you and no one has a real solution. This is highly unprofessional.

SUPTheresaC: But I don't give my customer a runaround. I always attend to my customers to the best that I can provide, Matt.

Matt: No you do not. There is a huge difference between saying your attend to your customers and actually doing anything for your customers, because, guess what? I am a customer of yours and all you have done is shift blame.

Matt: You are the third person online I have chatted with, no one has offered me a refund of the excess charges, no one has offered to repair my charges and everyone sends me to someone else.

Matt: It is the poorest excuse for customer service, no one is responsible for anything and you shift the blame to others.

SUPTheresaC: Well, if you want, Matt. We can upgrade your package. But the next upgrade to your package is a triple play for $139.99 per month. And that will definitely increase your bill and that is not your goal in this chat, correct?

Matt: Steve offered to upgrade to triple play for whatever the sale promotion is, which I believe he said was 99 per month. This is insane. Pay more when what I want is to pay for what I have been receiving. This is the very definition of terrible service.

Matt: Are you really the supervisor? Is there someone more supervisory in charge there?

SUPTheresaC: Yes, they can do that. Because for online, we have a package grid that we follow.

SUPTheresaC: And only the $139.99 package is applicable according to the online eligibility grid.

Matt: Again, shameful customer service, right hand not knowing what left hand is offering...

SUPTheresaC: And the the only department who can bypass that are local office, retentions and phone department, Matt.

Matt: Incredible.

Matt: Well, this has been beyond frustrating.

SUPTheresaC: My apologies if we cannot process the $99.00 promotion online for you that's the reason why I suggested the retentions department because they have promotions that is beyond online department can offer.

SUPTheresaC: Considering that you want to lower your bill other than downgrade, then we are advised as well to provide the retention's department.

Matt: I see you have neglected to offer a new supervisor for me to chat with. It is getting late...I can understand your apprehension.

Matt: Since you are either drunk or incompetent, I am thinking I should call the good people at Verizon, save some money, get better service and not have to deal with run around game playing unprofessional boobs.

Matt: Have a good night.

SUPTheresaC: Matt, I understand your frustration with this is issue. And considering that the retention's department cant provide you the package that you want which is the $39.99 promotion for the phone service and internet, you can call Verizon to check on it first

Matt: Duh

SUPTheresaC: But ask them as well with the features and terms of the package so that you can get a comparison with our package.

Matt: OH I understand how you people play these games now. Not too worry, Comcast has taught me that you can not trust the contracts that major corporations sign with their customers. Verizon will be forewarned that I have learned my lesson from the best.

SUPTheresaC: Also, I still suggest for you to call our retention's department by Monday or within the weekdays to check with other representatives other than Steve so that you will know if our retention's team really cannot extend your $39.99 promotion.

SUPTheresaC: If only the codes are here in our database online, I can give it to you with supervisory access but since it's not showing here anymore, then we cannot place it online.

Matt: Yes, I agree, Steve is insane and crazy. I will let his supervisor know that you and I are in full agreement on that front.

SUPTheresaC: That's what I did before I suggested the retention's department.

Matt: Well, you are swell.

SUPTheresaC: I appreciate your trust and confidence on my statement, Matt.

Matt: I will ask one more time if I might be able to speak with a supervisor, I mean, this is this third time I am asking, so I am feeling rather lucky.

SUPTheresaC: My apologies, Matt. However, as for the sales department, I'm the last supervisor on duty.

SUPTheresaC: But if you want to get other supervisor say maybe tomorrow or next day, we will still give one.

SUPTheresaC: We love to have supervisory chats as well so that we are aware of what is happening as well to our customers.

Matt: Of course you are. Strange how that works. Well, thank you so much for pressuring me to look seriously into the wonderful and better qualities offered by the trained seals and aquatic animals that man the phones at Verizon.

Matt: In a word, you are Peachy.

Matt: Hey, are they hiring at Comcast? I mean, obviously, they don't drug test, it must be super to be able to work someplace that supplies clean needles and rolling papers in the employee lounge

SUPTheresaC: Well we have those examination and I can surely say that I'm clean.

SUPTheresaC: But we'll take note of that.

Matt: Take care my new best friend.

SUPTheresaC: You too.

SUPTheresaC: Anything else for tonight, Matt?

SUPTheresaC: Matt?

Matt: No, I really think you have done quite enough. I hope it's OK with you that I post this entire exchange on my blog.

SUPTheresaC: You have all the rights, Matt.

Matt: Great

SUPTheresaC: Comcast appreciates your business and values you as a customer. Our goal is to provide you with excellent service. If you need further assistance, you can chat with one of our Customer Support Specialists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at

SUPTheresaC: Would there be anything else for tonight, Matt?

Matt: Well, as I said, whatever it is you are shooting or smoking, I would not mind a hit of it, because it seems to make you compliant and idiotic, two traits I cherish. But seriously, chatting with you has been just a little bit better than brain cancer treatment.

SUPTheresaC: Once again, take care, and enjoy your weekend. Bye for now.


  1. This is the real deal, right? I mean, if you made these chats up, you really captured the fractured english writing style of foreign customer service agents brilliantly. If not, just amazing that they let you post this. Plus, I love how you say absurd things and the response is, "we want to help you Matt."

    Very funny.

  2. You have to love how they continue to try and sell you more expensive packages. I also like how they type like they are in a foreign land. You can almost hear the accent. Please tell me you dropped the service, because Comcast is evil.

  3. "But seriously, chatting with you has been just a little bit better than brain cancer treatment."


  4. Thanks, reminds me of every time I have an issue with my laptop.

  5. Drop them already

  6. I was doing some price shopping to make sure I’m getting the best deal out there for the channels I’m getting and I’ve found so many blogs with conflicting info. I’ve also found which does a complete comparison of several of the biggest and more popular TV providers. From channel selection to pricing it goes into detail of all that these companies provide and customer satisfaction; as a long time subscriber and employee of DISH Network I wasn’t surprised by the results.

  7. Hey Nicole_Tee, you suck. OK?

  8. I love that Comcast Appreciates Your Business is her standard signoff. She totally missed everything. This is very funny.

  9. Just found this, I am amazed they allowed you to reprint it. Or did they? Either way, very good.

  10. How is this shit on the most popular list?

  11. Can anyone explain how this long boring fucking obnoxious post is "most popular" on this blog?
    Hey blog master, why not just remove this piece of shit?

    1. Or, you know, you could have stopped reading when you got bored?

    2. I don't get you internet trolls who choose to read something or click on a story, and then choose to comment with your negative stupid comments as if someone forced you to read a post you find boring. Get a job looser.

  12. I agree Comcast has shitty customer service, but we should also be responsible for knowing what we sign up for. Even I knew that my rates would eventually go up and that everything they start you off with are only short term deals.

  13. You had no right to insult the representative that way. Don't understand why some people find it funny. She was just doing her job. I do agree that most of the time online chats with phone/internet/tv companies result in a waste of time. AFAIK those representatives can only do few things they were trained to. So the real problem is company's business practices.

    This chat only proves your inability to conduct a civilized conversation. I'm surprised you actually was not ashamed to publish it. I was looking for some useful tips how to negotiate a good deal and your post looks more like "don't do" list.
    When you sign up for a promotion it's your responsibility to remember when it ends. Comcast normally bills a month in advance. So you always know what you next month's bill is going to be and have time to take an action.

    1. I'd agree, except Comcast sucks donkey dicks.

  14. It's BEYOND ironic that there was an Xfinity ad (Triple Play offer $99) showing at the bottom of this page when I viewed it. Con-cash sucks necrotic a**, btw.

  15. i just had this exact same conversation when they dropped several channels for no reason and then told me i had to upgrade to get them back. comcast sucks

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  30. I hate comcast so much

  31. I hate Comcast, but just a thought here....Perhaps if you treated them with common decency, they may be more willing to work with you? If you treated the people on the phone as bad as you did the people on the chat, no wonder why they shit all over you. I would do the same, as a CSR. :-/ You're the type of person that wants everything, won't budge on it, and is extremely rude. I am more than willing to bend over backwards and even break protocol if a customer is treating me like a human being. But if you treat me like shit, I will politely put my foot down and say that there's nothing I can do, even after checking with a supervisor and having them tell me otherwise.

    Food for thought.

    1. You obviously have never worked for Comcast. Just so you know, this terrible company has spent the last year bending over backwards (while expecting me to bend over) supplying me with barely adequate service, while charging me for the highest quality service. See how that works? Of course I'd have a chip on my shoulder, their CSR's are stupid and inconsiderate morons. For over a year they have promised all sorts of fixes, but never has a single option worked, all the while charging incredibly high fees for a terrible product.
      Of course, a CSR thinks everyone is out to get them and people should just be nicer. How perfect the world would be if the ones complaining just understood the stress you people must be under. Here's an idea, you get a job at Comcast and clean up that terribly run company and get back to me. K?


  32. What works for me is to just give them a call after my contract expired.
    The best time to do it on the way home from office, Keeps me occupied and I save :)

    The main problem is that all of us just forget to do so, and until we found out we

    lost great deal of money!
    I may suggest free web tool I am using,
    The tool helps me keep track of my monthly payments to my service providers (Cox internet and DirectTV), when my promotion expires it will remind me to call them with the best promotion out there."

  33. Comcast is shitty because they are allowed to be shitty. As far as I know, there isn't a lot of competition to challenge them for costumers. They are top dog and they can be as shitty as they want. It's sad but true...isn't it amazing how money and greed works?
