As most of you probably know, Jasper Flem won the Iowa Straw Poll this past weekend. I know, the "lame stream" media tried to say the second place winner, Michelle Palin Bachmann.3 may have come close, but she lost, fair and stupid.
That said, Flem reportedly said to a member of Fox News "that Backmann chick is kinda hot."
If you ask me, and no one has, it is way to early to be worrying about who will pick up the pieces of the Obama nightmare. But since this is America and 99 percent of the populace is either unemployed or at work reading blogs on the computer while not really working, it is super important that we all focus on the hicks in Iowa and what they are doing.
That said, Iowa allows the gays to marry, while the republicans running for president can not wait to get into the white house to make sure gays can not marry, servie in the military, adopt children or exist.
Then again, Iowa is not really in America anyway.
Which brings us all back to Jasper Flem, the leader of the candidates currently running for president and a heck of a nice poker player. In reaction to the recent report that said Michelle Bachmann might be married to a man, Flem said he supports he right to chooce.
Pretty sure her husband could handle that hot dog a little better.