Friday, August 12, 2011


"Yo-Shithead, what are you afraid of? Why you shut off the comment section? Wat sorta pussy you become anyway?"

"Is there a reason the comment second has been closed?"

"I noticed that you have removed the comments. Nothing personal, but they were the real reason I returned to your blog. Any way you could bring them back? You do know bookmarks can be deleted, right (Implied threat)?"

"Sir or Madam, I represent a majority of the readers of your blog. You have 17 minutes to reinstate your open comment policy or you and I will tussle in Federal Court. Understand? Regards, Beth Libitard, esq (the q is for whatever I want it to be for)."


  1. Bending to popular demand. You should run for president.

  2. Why did the comments get removed in the first place?

  3. Is it bad that I could care less?
