Monday, August 1, 2011

Debt deal

More reasons to hate all elected officials, and I used the term officials much like I use the term fecal matter because I might not want to say poop.

These drama queens in scummy suits did exactly what I predicted, magically coming up with a crappy deal at the last minute. Our incompetent president will somehow spin this as a win, because he negotiated with tea party terrorists and gave them everything they wanted, and now he has a deal.

Republicans, who for an entire Bush administration could not sign off on any debt increase fast enough, held this one up till the last minute to make sure the country paid attention to their game playing. We have over 9 percent unemployment, but that is not important, what is important is cutting entitlement programs to the poor, because god knows, the tax breaks for the richest Americans must be preserved over everything else.

How sad of a day when all the waste of the last decade is laid at the feet of the elderly and diseased.

I am not a political animal. In my lifetime I have never once seen the federal government do anything that personally affected me, except cut road funding that lead to the dirtiest and most unsafe roads possible to ride a bike on. That is it. This is what happens when we elect middle managers to serve in congress. These comb-over idiots with their cheap suits and taste for young boys and prostitutes, all the while remaining true to their family values, are the worst of the worst. No real healthy people want to run for office anymore, so we are stuck with empty suits with dubious motivations.

A smart friend once told me he would never run for policial office because the pay sucks, the hours are long and the media attention would be unwanted. I asked, but what about the possibility of changing the direction of this faltering society, and he looked at me and said, how? We both were silent.

When I first moved to Seattle this hag was running for the senate with a campaign focused as a mom in tennis shoes, as if that would make her some sort of supreme intellect. She won of course and has since been re-elected. She is, by far, one of the stupidest senators in office, and look around, that is quite the accomplishment with the group currently in there now. No, this country is on a slide into the history books as another empire that bit off more than it could handle and all we can do is play the fiddle and watch it burn.

Then there is the letdown presidency of Barack Obama. Such beautiful speeches, but no one bothered to tell him he needed to follow thru. He should have hired Bill Clinton, who could not only give a speech, but he knew that getting the job was just the first 2-3 percent of the gig. The rest of passing legislation, dealing with a congress that hated you, standing up to idiots in both parties and using the bully pulpit to take your case to the public. Obama has failed almost every time out. He has allowed congress to set to goals, he is a follower and he is following a right wing group of teabaggers who could care less about this country.

I'm not pissed off about the debt deal, because much like my elected brethren, I have not yet read it, all I know is these pathetic drama queens could have punched this crappy deal out weeks ago and avoided the "we're at the brink of collapse" bullshit completely. Instead, we get a weeks worth of What If. Here is what I'd like to see. How about some smart people take over for a few years? Yes, I know, people have Bill Clinton because he liked to have sex with women who were not his wife, my lord, let's get over that. He is a smart man who could stand toe to toe with blow hards like Newt Gingrich and get them the shut up. Bring me a Bill Clinton to replace compromise Obama and I might show a slight interest in federal legislation again. Of course, no democrat will challenge the golden one, so we look at the republican gang of imbeciles, closet cases and morons.

I have to go, I packed my fiddle in the attic and I am obviously going to need it, soon.


  1. First.
    Oh, and fuck politicians. They are all owned by wall street.

  2. You are right, all drama, all bullshit, nothing changes. Obama is a bust. He will be lucky if he is not a single term president, but the republicans seem intent on running a crazy or idiot, so he may slip by, but even then, who cares, he does not represent anyones interests that I know of.

  3. Hag = Patty Murray, the stupidest and ugliest senator in history.

  4. They all are owned by big business and the wealthy, no difference between dems and repukes. At least at one point dems pretended to care about regular people, but no longer. Imagine if there was a party that wanted to bring equality and responsibility to a budget, so the rich did pay more and the poor paid nothing, because they are POOR.
    It is insane.

  5. Anger medication not working?

  6. Call your congressperson and demand they vote no on this shitty compromise. Teabaggers can not hold this country hostage.

  7. This debt ceiling joke was my last straw. None of these people seem to represent me anymore.

  8. As an outsider who can't claim a thorough understanding of the US political process, I must say it seems like the Republican Party is the greatest threat to America today.

  9. I hate them all equally.
