Friday, August 12, 2011

Dumb and dumber

Hey, in case you missed in GW Bush version 2 is running for president, although Sarah Palin with a penis has yet to actually announce, Ricky Perry says Jesus told him he could run, which is good enough for me.

Sarah Palin with a penis? Yikes.

Anyway, because Americans are incredibly stupid, we will elect another dumb, underachieving governor from Texas because he will Aw Shucks us into believing he will bring integrity back, or something.

Could I just cut to the chase? Electing Governor Perry will not be nearly as fun as electing governor Bush was. See, Bush was fun because while he was stupid, he was funny stupid. He would say stupid things and just stand there waiting for people to believe it and for the most part, 47 percent of Americans would. Perry will not be able to pull that off because, A- his daddy was never president and B- we have seen this act now and it does not end pretty.

So, what to do? Vote for Perry. That's what I'm doing.

1 comment:

  1. Perry/Palin 2012. That would be dum n dummy
