Saturday, August 13, 2011

Praying the gays away

As the Republicans prepare for their first Iowa silly voting thing today, you have to hand it to the young kids who are fed up with being second class citizens.

Michelle (2012 Palin/Barbie) Bachman and her super closet case husband have been in Iowa, she campaigning, him praying he is no longer gay, or something. Below is a video of an American hero, not just because a 17 year old, a non-voter in Republican verbiage, but a hero to people who like freedom and freedom of choice, spoke up to this hate filled submissive woman and her strange and idiotic husband.

Now, I am all for prayer, heck I have spent the last few months praying all the time. What I am against is using prayer to enforce your hate. Michelle Bachmanns gay husband seems to think he can pray the gay away, some sort of therapy for people who do not like the sexuality that god gave them. I say be who you are and live with it.

The 17 year old took over the Bachmanns little silly Iowa circus did what people should always do in the face of hate, stand up, scream and fight it. It is hard not to feel like this is the sort of protest that has impact, because at the end of this short clip, the pariahs of the press have circled the young man and are seeking quotes, while the closet case Bachmann and his whacky wife disappear, as they should.


  1. We need fewer Bachmans and more kids who speak to the a-holes of this world. Good for you young man.

  2. In Iowa and writing in Obama for todays straw poll. Just to mess with whomever has to read the pieces of paper.

  3. Midwest Barbie is a lot smarter than Caribou Barbie, but they are both seriously demented. Plus, both husbands have my gaydar spinning in circles, just so you know.
