Sunday, November 7, 2010

Elevator encounter

On the way to the 20th floor, again, to visit the most vivacious and smart attorney I know. The doors opened at 4. A woman walked in, casual business attire, long dark hair, pulled back, thin, clean face. She walked in, pushed against the far wall and pressed 16. She looked at me, I looked at her. There was a deep sadness in her eyes and when she caught me analyzing her look she said, "I am leaving my husband." I asked her if she was OK, because she looked frail and troubled. She said she was fine, it was time, there was nothing left. I stood quietly for a second, wondering why strangers always felt comfortable telling me their deepest secrets. I told her that divorce can be a very positive thing. She kind of smiled a crooked smile, there was a sexiness behind those expressive eyes that made me think she was much more than the broken wife. I asked what the final straw was. "There was never a straw, and that's the problem." The doors opened, she walked out, never looking back.

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