Thursday, October 13, 2011

The food I ate

I kept notes of the meals I ate while in Los Angeles and Seattle last week. For the most part I literally demanded that my friends take me to Mexican food while in Southern California, because I live in Pittsburgh and the food here is either bathed in oil or filled with sugar. I can't eat either.

I woke at 3AM for the flight to Los Angeles, I ate a banana, had a cup of coffee and vitamins.
Lunch in San Juan Capistrano Carl's Junior restaurant. I ordered a chicken sandwich, removed the bread, ate the charbroiled chicken, had three fries and a water.
Dinner was Carne Asada at a San Clemente Mexican restaurant often frequented by former president Nixon. The stench of desperation and corruption is gone, but the food was decent.

I ran early in the morning. Banana and Starbucks coffee for breakfast.
Rode bikes around the hills of Newhall and Santa Clarita, mostly against my will, but because I am competitive, I did it.
Lunch was nuts, yogurt and two sips from a strawberry shake from In and Out Burger. I am not proud of this, I wanted a burger, the beautiful woman behind the counter did everything she could to sell me on the concept of a burger, I tried to figure out any way possible to have a burger. In the end, to appease the beautiful woman I ordered the shake, but could not drink it.
Dinner, Mexican food in the San Fernando Valley. Strangely enough, Carne Asada, but I picked at it and could not finish. I did talk my dearest friend into splurging for some Hagen Daz ice cream, did not finish.

Coffee at the Ronald Reagan Library with a banana. I see my need to be with my Republican friends, first Nixon, then Reagan and soon enough, Bush?
I had brunch at a place in the Valley that caters to porn stars and strippers. It was not a let down and my friend and I enjoyed a feisty crepe, but because I could not actually eat the crepe itself, I cut it open and ate its innards, which were fine.
Dinner, Mexican food in Glendale with a handsome actor. I think I had chicken something, mostly we talked and laughed. We met at 6PM and stayed until they closed. Great night, can't remember the food. Drove back to Orange County at 105 miles per hour.

Airport breakfast, banana and coffee.
Lunch was missed because of flights and trains and no one being home. I sat on my friends porch and wondered why people did not have fast and healthy food in their neighborhoods.
Dinner - ate in, great home cooked food. Vegetables, something else, something to drink.

Woke early, bike ride to North Seattle, stopped for coffee and something to eat. Forgot what.
No food until 3PM when I started to shake and passed out at my friends house. He fed me chili and sent me back towards the city on my bike.
Dinner, Mexican food on Capitol Hill with people I love. Some sort of Cuban style steak. It was delicious.

Breakfast on Bainbridge Island. Fresh fruits, coffee.
Bike ride to my friends house.
Lunch at Blackbird Bakery, a gluten free Bialy. Coffee. There was something like a gluten free cupcake, which did not taste like sheetrock.
Dinner was Hana Sushi in Seattle. Not the best, not the worst, but for about 20 years, the best for the best price.

Breakfast, coffee and banana and fresh gluten free toast.
Lunch, crappy Mexican food knock off terrible junky crappy food stuff at some crappy junky crap place at Pacific Place in Seattle, but since I was with a woman I love dearly, it was a great meal.
Dinner, skipped.

Breakfast, Mexican style eggs at a trendy restaurant in Seattle. Coffee.
Dinner, home cooked bbq and fresh salad. Fly home.


  1. Sounds healthy dude, got some names of good mexi?

  2. You need to eat more.
