Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The road

So many things are changing in this country so quickly, or seemingly so, or about to. The ongoing protest on Wall Street are hopefully the first step dismantling a broken system, but either way, with Europe ailing, America adrift and the world waiting for something, it seems like a good time to connect with friends.

I know, email, Skype, phones and all that stuff makes us feel like we are right there, but we are not. Human touch, and looking into someone's eyes when they tell you a story or a secret or terrible news or great news, those moments don't transfer digitally.

I am traveling and doing it cheaply. I have been sleeping in guest rooms and couches and reconnecting with friends who have been in my life for decades and it has been glorious. Want to have a great time? Hug people, deeply. Human touch transfers a lot of things, from an emotional bond to a clear sense of trust. I have been hugging everyone, which has been shocking my closest long term friends, because for about 30 years I have avoided all physical contact that did not involve, well, the hooky pooky (to use a medical term).

Oh, travel is cheap too. Plan ahead, planes are cheap, no rental cars, although in Los Angeles I reserved a compact but when one was not available I was instead allowed 4 days of Audi delight of a type one usually only experiences on lost weekends. There seems to be turmoil in the air, it's a perfect time to visit the people you love and be reminded of all the reasons you love them.

Oh, and I have been updating via iPad and the keyboard for a fat fingered Jew is nothing to write home about, which is my excuse for not writing home.

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