A reader of this blog, someone too young to be reading this blog, wrote me an email, part of which reads: "I am 22 and my girlfriend is 21. We have been dating for 2 years. What started off as hot and sexy has turned into some sort of nightmare. We only have sex when she wants too and even then, it is the same old thing."
This is just part of the letter. It went on. Same old thing got defined. Yikes.
OK, first things first, I am not an expert on relationships or sex. Every relationship I have ever had has been a failure. Sexually? I don't have a clue. So, while I kind of enjoy letters from people with "issues" I am probably not the one to help.
That said, break up.
Seriously, 22 years old and in a relationship for 2 years? You do not want to know what I was doing when I was 20-25 years old, but trust me, wild oats got burned, big time.
There are very few times in your life when you have a get out of jail card for anything. When you are a child and you steal a piece of gum, you get away with it. When you are a teen and you "borrow" a car, you get away with it. When you are in your 20's and you drop people for any reason what-so-ever, you get away with it.
At your age, you are not capable of a relationship and the one you are in is not a relationship, it is a mind game with the reward of bad and awkward sex. And trust me, you can have bad and awkward sex when you are married, forget about it at your early 20's.
Now, I am not saying be mean. Just explain to your GF that you are not ready for a life long commitment. Explain that you want to test the waters, so to speak. Explain that this relationship has grown stale. Then move on.
Well, that was no so bad.
OK, OK. I get it, the world needs help. If answering your confusing and sexually mystifying questions will bring about a better understanding, then bring them on. If not, go ahead and send them, along with pictures, because I am bored and lonely.
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