Monday, January 24, 2011

Then all was weird

Almost every day my phone rings and someone asks for April. Most of the time I figure it is some sort of bill collector, so I just tell them that April does not and has not lived here for a few years. I hang up a lot.

Today, I got home late. I walked in. My lesbian dog assaulted me, so all was normal. The phone started to ring and because the auto-answering service picks up after two, I dove for the nearest phone. I picked up and almost immediately there was a knock at the door. I answered the phone, hello. Someone in a nice lilting voice asked if April were there. At about that same time I opened the door and there stood a large, imposing black woman. I was trying to listen to the phone and figure out what this woman was doing at my front door. I said, can I help you, actually I said that to the woman at the door, but the lilting foreign voice on the phone said, yes, I would impressed if April was speaking.

The woman at the door said, "Hi, my name is April, I used to live here." I immediately smiled, handed her the phone and said, "this is for you."

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