Oh my.
I just received an official correspondance from the United States Department of State asking, no begging, no pleading, no DEMANDING that I do not go forward with my plan to insult the entire country/nation of Australia.
First, that is really unfair Harvey Finkelstein, unofficial undersecretary of International and Subintercranial Affairs and Australian Insult bureau. How dare you my good man make a preemptive strike against a blog post that has yet to even be made, although to be honest it is in a word document on my other computer. I do wonder how you might even know about it, but I may get around to that later.
I was checking the "stats" for this blog earlier "today" and noticed that there are quite a few viewers from the small island nation of Australia which is also the home of not only Scurvy but the so-called parents of one Beth Libitard, Esq, my lawyer, my friend, my dog.
Then this letter from the United States Department of State demanding that I give up any chance I might have to reunite my lawyer and her precious family. It is all so sad. I am torn, really I am.
So, I will do what any reasonable American would do in such a dire situation. I will drive to Home Depot early tomorrow morning, hire an illegal alien and have him post the defamatory blog post for me. Problem solved. See you tomorrow Harvey.
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