Saturday, December 3, 2011

Pizza delivered

So, apparently this mediocre actor Herman Cain is ending his bid for president again and all I can think of is the children.

No, I'm sorry, that is what the pedophile at Penn State kept saying to the idiot New York Times reporter. Heman Cain said he is quitting to save his "family" any more of these terrible injustices or something.

It always strikes me as strange that when a man like Herman Cain, or Newt Gingrich, or Rush Limbaugh gets caught doing something, you know, having an 13 year affair, or leaving your dying wife in the hospital to marry a new one, or buying illegal drugs on the street or something, when it comes time to actually fess up, these sleaze bags always dodge and instead, step aside, "for the sake of the family."

I have a suggestion. Stop having affairs for the sake of your family. Or, better, instead of running off with wife number 7, stay with the dying one and bury her properly-you know, for the sake of the family, or maybe, seek rehab for your drug addiction before it is so out of control you hire an illegal alien to score you Oxy, for the sake of the family. Just sayin'.

Here is the end to this part of this seasons badly written but fascinating Republican soap opera. All anyone can do is thank their lucky stars a fine, upstanding and god fearing man of good character like Newt Gingrich is leading in the latest polls.


  1. Cain will not be missed.

  2. I still think Cain and Gingrich are just elaborate book tours. All about making money off of stupid republicans desperate to get the "darky" out of the white house.

  3. Let's see, that's one down, about 6 more to go.
