Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hero dog and Stupid cat

I am sure most of you have heard about the dog, since she is now a war hero and everything and she has been featured on PBS. That's right, that was my dog that was on 60 minutes this past weekend. Blown to bits last week in Afghanistan, sniffing a road side bomb, a little too much sniffing if you ask me, but who am I? Now of course, she is a hero. A war hero no less. Sure I'm bitter. I raised her all by myself. Took her out of the pound right on the last day before they were going to have her put to sleep. Let me tell you something about that whole "put them to sleep" thing, they don't really put them to sleep, I asked. No, because I really didn't want her the day I picked her up, I was actually leaving for a trip to Peru, not the South American country, but the small Southern California town that is home to a vast majority of Mexicans and dangerous, drug addicted hookers.

Want the rest of this story?

The Many Deaths of Beth - available on Amazon - early 2012.


  1. You have a very ill-conceived and dangerous sex-life with obvious long-term consequences....doo-dah doo-dah.

  2. That dog seems to survive a number of deadly experiences.

  3. I will miss Beth. How is she?

  4. I saw Beth walking the Ho stroll today. How does that happen?
