Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Painting reminder - as if

For a while, at some point, I worked in public radio, excuse me, Public Radio.

I learned many things, but the most important thing I learned was never drink out of Linda Wertheimers coffee cup, that bitch is a stone cold alcoholic and her coffee is way spiked.

That may not have been the most important thing I learned. During pledge drives, those monotonous weekly money grubbing fests where everyone was required to beg for money, we all had to learn how to beg. It was fun. That was what I learned. If you loved what you were doing, begging was not begging, it was fun.

So I am trying to sell some paintings to fun some important projects. These are almost all new works, there are some older paintings that are holding up well mixed in. If you click here you can check them out. I will keep posting these links and messages, because if there were two things I learned from public radio, drink your own coffee and don't be afraid to ask people to support you if you are doing good things.

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