Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sexy grandpa

I don't know about you, but when I hear of an older man checking out women of a certain age, I think to myself, if I ever get to be his age, I sure hope I have the cajones (look it up) to be all sexy times with women who may or may not sue me. Or something like that, usually I am kind of drunk when I think those things and that's probably Herman "that man" Cains problem too. Look, he is not really running for president, so calm down people. He never was, never will and so calm down. Mit Romney is going to lose this election, you know it, I know it, Romney knows it, it is his destiny and he accepts that. Herman Cain has come from his planet of beautiful elder men to bring hope to all of us men getting on in age who wonder if a time will come when we are no longer interested in maybe asking a person we happen upon if they might want an upgrade to a larger room, if you catch my drift. See, what people are missing is Mr. Cains message of hope. It's almost biblical, a Cain and Able type of story if you will, if his name is Cain, damn right he is able. Yee haa, now buy me a drink and tell me what room you are in.

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