Saturday, November 12, 2011


Monday the link for purchasing paintings will be live. I know, I too can feel the excitement. I woke this morning to an email, asking more questions that I was able to answer. So here is an attempt.

Selling the paintings is in part a fundraiser to pay for a cycle ride across America in the summer of 2012 to raise awareness to all sorts of health related initiatives that will be linked to the ride, from obesity to traumatic brain injury to safe sex.
There will be a small crew filming the ride and the interaction with people, interviewing and gathering all sorts of amazing interactions.
There will be a site available for other cyclists to sign up and join for one day "join the ride" events along the trip.
This is not part of a larger cause.

This will all be explained in the larger context of the ride/fundraising effort, but starting Monday the paintings themselves kick off the start of the cycle2012 plan. Check back then.