Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gay parents

OK, I am often torn about all things gay, for a variety of insane reasons. Below is a video of a young man from Iowa, raised by two women. What I like about this video is how is shows a presumably well adjusted young man and how he obviously loves his mothers.

That part I like.

My issue with gay parents has very little to do with gays and almost everything to do with parents. See, in the last 30 years or so, being a parent has become a burden, there are so many other things to do and adults have children and let others raise them, feed them and care for them. I have always felt like I would rather not have the money and the other comforts a better job would have afforded me, instead I would rather raise children myself. Just seemed like the right thing to do.

Obviously committed parents do not come with a gender. I have seen women who have no connection to their children, just hoping for a decent christmas picture that they can add to their fake happy family album. I know men who, after getting a divorce, just sort of disappear. Kids need parents, regardless of who they sleep with.

That said, I also know gay parents. I know one couple that are seemingly peachy little parents of their young daughter. Of course, they are both working, one travels often, the other teaches and is home in the evening to care for the young girl. The partner? He is always somewhere else, but he is another who loves the concept. When we first met he raved about being a father, raising this lovely girl and how is cemented his relationship. Then I found out that everything he said was not so close to the reality of their situation. Same as many straight couples, both people work, both get home late, if at all, and hardly spend any real quality time being part of the childs life.

So, in my view, there are very few people actually committed to raising the children. It is inspiring to see a young man, no longer a child, with imperfect parents, but parents non-the-less, and it makes me proud. It makes me want to have a child.


  1. I have gay friends, I am not a hater, but gays should not be raising children. Children deserve a classic family, a mother and father. The more we mess with this equation, the more screwed up our society becomes. There is nothing wrong with choosing to be gay, or being born that way, but the gay lifestyle is one of shallowness and promiscuity which I do not think is a healthy way to raise children.

  2. Above comment; wrong, kids need to grow up loved and in a stable house. That does not mean a mom and dad, or a dad and dad, or anything, it means stability, health and love. The concept of mom and dad being perfect is refuted almost on a daily basis with parents killing and torturing their children. Gays are not better or worse, they just have the same chance of doing a good job.
