Sunday, February 27, 2011

The nicest guy

Here is something interesting. I am in the midst of some bad days, but they were expected, predictable, so all in all, not really a surprise.

Yesterday. I drove to this nice little area of the city, and decided I would park in the far corner of the parking lot and walk the distance of the entire area, a few miles, but it was a sunny day, cold, but beautifully sunny.

I purchased a pair of pants that seemed kind of nice and kept walking. At some point, about an hour into just sort of window shopping and walking, I got kind of dizzy, again, this was expected, but a little shocking how all of a sudden all around me became a blur. I sat down almost immediately. Of course, people around me scurried about, not bothering with the man sitting in the sidewalk.

Then this swell young man stopped and leaned down to me. He asked me some questions, although in retrospect, I can not remember a single one. He did get me something to drink and helped me to a bench. He gave me his card, and said he had to get back to work.

After a time I was feeling better, although I was at least a mile from my car, so I started slowly making my way back when I saw the name of the business that was on the young mans card. Strange as it was, I decided to go in and see if I could get a new prescription for glasses. The card owner was the doctor at this facility, he saw me as he was looking over some paperwork, and he stopped what he was doing to meet me at the door. We walked back to his office and this time he asked me about my sidewalk drama. I explained to him what is going on inside my body, he totally got it and we then moved on to glasses.

So, what he ended up doing was testing my vision, and fixing my prescription and then making sure my new glasses would be done in no time. So, to make sure he was the nicest guy in the world, he gave me a drive back to my car.

So when I am thinking of the bad people who seem to flood into my life and quickly get flushed out, I will happily remember the nicest guy in the whole wide world.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Just so you know, previous commenter, I have children who sometimes read this blog. I go out of my way to not edit or remove comments, but honestly, what was I supposed to do? The bottom line is what you wrote was true, but that is not public knowledge and it is, obviously, an incredibly private thing. Because people can post here without identifying themselves, sometimes people say rude or hurtful things, and almost always I let them slide. Not sure what your motivation was in writing that, but I hope you sleep better tonight.

  3. Catfight. Sure would like to know what the first comment said.
