Friday, February 18, 2011

Friends and drugs

I was recently holding a box of Temodar. First off, what's with the name companies choose for their products?

Anyway, I was reading the side effects associated with Temodar and I set the box down and just looked out a window. A couple of things to understand, it has been remarkably beautiful around here this week. It is spring like warm, the snow is gone and people just seem, well, nicer. So, looking out the window after reading jaw dropping side effects sure can be heartening.

I was once in a play in college where I was required to enter the stage carrying a large suitcase. Now, the thing about acting is that nothing really is what it seems, so it took a great deal of acting for me to look like the suitcase was filled with my valuables and clothes, even though it was completely empty. Acting was the part where I had a look on my face like this suitcase was going to break my back, when in fact, it was light as an empty suitcase.

This morning I was leaving an office carrying two fairly large boxes of medications that filled the boxes, but because of what they were, the boxes were as light as, say, an empty suitcase.

As I plodded through the parking lot, which on a sunny and warm morning was relatively empty, I kept thinking that someone should offer to help, I mean for all the world to see I was carrying two fairly large boxes, even though they did not weight very much. In fact, at one point I almost tripped and the box on top fell to the ground much like a feature might fall from a bird in flight. No one noticed.


  1. I hope you delivered those boxes to whomever you were delivering them to, went home and kissed your dog. Right? Please?

  2. Google that stuff, brain tumor treatment? That is seriously fucked up shit. Can you please clarify where the box of this toxic chemical was going?

  3. No worries. I am just the messenger.

  4. Something does not make sense.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. TEMODAR® is used to treat certain cancerous brain tumors in adult patients.

    From their website. Fess up.
