Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring cleaning

A little advice.

Get some of those construction sized trash bags and go room by room, start with the obvious stuff you do not need, like almost burned out candles and papers you no longer need. Into on trash bag. Then, room to room, do bedrooms first. Open drawers and go through everything in them. Don't need? Into another bag, this one for charity, the other for trash.

Room to room, and then, after a few hours of doing this, you have bags of trash and bags of donations. My next step is key, closets and storage areas. Go through everything, every box, every plastic bin. Keep in mind old video games and wire collections might be handy to someone at Goodwill. Meaningless pictures get the trash bag, no one at a thrift store wants to see your high school graduation mugging. Art work can be sketchy. My attitude is that if its stored in a closet, it's probably time to donate it to someone else. Let your amazing collection become someone who might really enjoy it.

Do one more quick run through all the closets and dressers. Bag everything that you never wear, would never fit, is against all style and fashion rules and is somehow in your closet but belongs to someone else. All of it goes into a donate bag.

Now, do the drive. Garbage goes to the dumpster, recyclables to the other bin and donations, Goodwill. It is key to get it all out of your house, because if you take the bags and put them in your empty basement, chances are you will not get rid of them. The day you clean should be ended with the day you trash and donate. It's a cycle.

I know, it is not spring, but the removal of clutter, the donating of stuff and the freedom this brings you will make even the coldest winter day seem like one of those ultra-hot summer days.



  1. Best advice I have read on your blog.

  2. Are you writing between the lines? Because I think I am reading between the lines...

  3. I am confused, is cleaning a metaphor? If so, for what? If not, can't we all just hold off on spring cleaning until, say, SPRING?

  4. Can you post pictures of the cleaned up house?

  5. Ok, great advice but isn't it a bit early for spring cleaning? Besides the spring cleaning is the only time I call cleaners Islington for backup.

  6. It's cool to clean.
