Saturday, February 5, 2011

I hate my wife

Without asking, I am getting emails from all the angry, hate filled and bitter men in the world, or at least about 100 of them, so far.

Now, this next stuff, well, his subject line on the email said that this was something he wrote to his wife, but never sent her. I guess that makes her the lucky one, because he took the time to send it to me.

"Over the years I have come to realize I hate you. You have no idea what love or romance is, complain that you don't get it, but I am always trying and you wave me off. At this point I don't believe you even like intamacy at all. I give you pleasure and you offer none in return. I have always remained faithfull to you though you give me no reason to. I am a decent looking guy and women come on to me and expose themselves to me without me even encouraging it, but you've let yourself go to the point that no one would want you and I'm embarrased to be seen with you. I don't have any friends anymore because you hold me hostage. When I finaly get some time away from you I feel like some kind of wild animal that has finaly been let out of its cage. I have become akward in social situations now becouse I am so seldom in them and out of practice. I don't even understand why you want me near when no one can ever do anything good enough to make you happy. You find fault in every possible place and let the smallest of details ruin the night. I feel like I am 82 years old and I'm only 32. You a terrible partner, lover, and parent.The only thing I can depend on you for is to let me down. I would leave you but I know how things would work out with the kids in court, and if left with you they would be dead in a week and all you would have to say for it is "I'm sorry. It was an accident". This is why I no longer like to touch you, go to clubs and bars now, and plan to leave you when the kids are older. I have cheated on you many times in my mind by imagining my self as free and living life. One day I will."

OK, again, I did not edit this, so do not blame me for spelling and grammar.

Well, there is much to be sad for in this mans life, not the least of which is he actually thinks he should be raising children, because we all know stupid people do an excellent job raising children.

Since you sent this to me and did not include a question, I am just going to run with it. If I was your wife, I would not touch you either. You sound like, again, an entitled moron. See, people are attracted to a lot of things in others, sometimes it is just animal magnetism, sometimes it is intellectual interest, sometimes it is humor and often times it is a mix of a lot of things. The way you write, up and beyond the grammar and spelling, makes you sound like a 14 year old.

You keep imagining yourself free and out at the bars and such. I have some news for you, bars and clubs are populated by younger men, in shape men, men who have things going for them. You would be a middle aged, angry slob, do you really think you will be trading up?

Here is a suggestion. Make the best of the life you have right now. Although your motives are sketchy at best, the idea that you will be staying in your home and being a father is somehow commendable. I doubt that kids raised by such an angry moron will do well, but who am I to say?

Do us all a favor, first seek counseling for yourself, because the anger and bitterness needs to be addressed. Then, once you have found some sort of peace, get couples counseling because I am guessing as angry as you are, you wife must be your equal. Finally, take a community college class in basic english. If you must write complete strangers to express your anger and hostility, the very least you can do is clean it up so I am not cringing at both the verbiage and the spelling.

One is enough.

1 comment:

  1. Men are so fucked up. I love how this guy thinks he should just expect oral. I really have to get into the whole lesbian scene.
