Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A sketchy letter

"I read your blog and I have been paying special attention to your posts regarding Sketchy The Addict. As a recovering alcoholic I wanted to say sometimes you are a bit brash with your opinion, but it also seems like "Sketchy" is a sad case with a lot of demons, so maybe Sketchy deserves it. I am writing because my partner, he's a man, I'm a woman, does this mean thing to me. I do not drink anything with alcohol in it, it is part of my recovery. He, on the other hand, can drink and does. Sometimes after work, he will stop and have a couple of beers with his friends and generally after such times he comes home and wants to have sex. I like having sex with my partner, but the smell of beer on his breath drives me crazy, and not the good kind of crazy. I have told him I would appreciate it if he came home, showered and brushed his teeth, but he refuses to do that. I could withhold intimacy until he does, but I like to think of myself as good to go, and I do like being with him, sexually. I am not sure if what he is doing is mean, intentional or just a guy with a buzz being horny. Suggestions?"

First, congratulations to you for being clean and sober. Not to belittle the Sketchy the Addict idiocy, but he is both not clean, not sober and not recovered.

That said, your "partner" is kind of a dick.

That said, I like that you are good to go. If more people in relationships had your attitude, I am guessing there would be more people in relationships. I have a bunch of letters from people, both men and women, who have partners who have just stopped being interested in sexing it up. So, good for you for being into it.

So, you have talked with beer drinking partner about your discomfort with drinking and coming home smelling like a brewery and wanted to do the hetro nasty. You do not want to stop being sexual with beer drinking partner just because he won't listen to your discomfort. He won't respect your wishes.

I don't know. How about you are both at fault. See, you have told him you would appreciate a clean plate when you sit down for your sex dinner thing, jesus that metaphor did not work at all, but I am too lazy to edit. You both seem rather passive and aggressive, which is very typical of both a clean and sober person and an dick who drinks and refuses to at least brush his teeth.

Since you are not willing to play games with the sex, which I admire, and he is unwilling to clean up after a bar binge, you got me. Try garlic. He calls on his way home, says he is heading to the bar, start eating massive amounts of garlic. When he comes home, plant a big kiss right on his drunken lips. See if he likes the garlic. Negotiate from there.

If that does not work, maybe it's time for you to just admit this battle is not yours to win. In relationships we always have to face that fact. Sometimes something important to us is just not that important to our partner, and in your case, it sounds like the hotness is more important than the smell of beer.

I could never sex it up with a smoker, I would not be able to get past the smell. You have no issue like that with beer. Probably time for you to let it go.


  1. Addicts are kind of funny. The one I dated was so proud of his sobriety, but never bothered to realize he was still fucked up beyond repair and lived a life free of drugs and alcohol, but also free of compassion, integrity and honesty.

    1. Sounds like Sketchy was a psychopath.

    2. Obviously. UNL must be proud.

    3. If you read about sketchy you will come to understand that he remains a psychopath. Sad for the marriage partner, but then, google could have helped.

  2. I think I met Sketchy The Addict in New York. There certainly were signs he was sketchy, mostly because he started emailing pics of his little dick.

    1. That's him....

    2. He's kind of tall, seems unfair that he would have a tiny penis, then again he's not really Jewish.

  3. I wonder how the cruising online will work in Nebraska.

    1. Is Sketchy at UNL? I think I saw his profile on Realjock.

    2. So sad that psychos are never accountable for the damage they do.

    3. Just saw his profile on nastykinkpigs.com in Omaha. He's still partying and playing.

  4. My suggestion to this woman is lay down the law. If he can not respect your attempt at leading a sober life, the very least he can do is chew some gum on his way home from the bar.
    On Sketchy the Addict, I do not know him, but I know people like him. No matter what people like Sketchy become, doctors, judges, academics, they will always have that side that must slide back to the gutter. Not all addicts, just the ones who refuse to really get to the core of what made them an addict in the first place.
    Sketchy, seek a deeper understanding of your addiction before your off the map adventures kill you.

  5. Is Sketchy the Addict Mikal Brotnov?

    1. Name change, but behavior remains the same. Check Adam4adam in Omaha.

  6. Who is Mikal Brotnov?

    1. Google is your friend. Plus, check court cases in Idaho, some people get away with everything.

    2. Mikal Eckstrom?

    3. Did the marriage partner not have access to google or Idaho court records, or any of the other red flags that surround this guy?

    4. Still on A4A i bet.

    5. He's on Manhunt in Omaha. Some people just can't shake their addictions, no matter how many meetings they pretend to attend.

  7. Is Sketchy actually Native American, or is it another adopted oppression like his Judaism?

    I can't find his court records and it's driving me crazy.

    1. Hack and liar, hope he is not ruining other peoples lives.

    2. Check in Idaho.

  8. Party on Sketchy

  9. My sense is that Sketchy/Mikal will always have people telling the truth in his wake of deceit and sketchiness. I honestly feel sorry for the dupe who married him, because Sketchy is really good at making people believe his lies. No Immunex, no Madonna, no record business, just lies. He is a monster and the more people know this, the less likely his disease will be spread.

  10. The madonna lie was funny, but the fact remains, Mike is insecure and has tiny hand syndrome
