Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Please, I am begging

So, at some point I opened pandoras box. I answered an email about relationships and everyone with a failed or failing relationship has now found this blog and has been feverishly writing me emails.

I get it, many people are unhappy with the person they used to be happy with.

Sure, I will continue to answer the letters, although judging by the emails I received this morning, I have no clue what I am talking about. Which is true by the way.

Anyway, I am putting out a call, please email, please send me your stories, but could some of you people in happy, functional relationships begin to share your stories, because I am literally being flooded with scary tales of screw balls, liars, skeeze balls and fuck-tards.

Happy stories. Long term relationship success stories. Stores of love and understanding. Please.

Thank you.

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