Monday, April 25, 2011

Becky Who Drinks, in her own words

It's early evening. A light rain is falling, ending what has been a beautiful sunny day. I am napping on the couch, which is what I am supposed to be doing. The phone rings.

Me: (answering phone) Hello.

Becky Who Drinks (WD): I read the blog post.

Me: Who is this?

BeckyWD: Seriously, you make me sound like a raving alcoholic.

Me: Did not. Who is this any how?

BeckWD; It's Becky Who Drinks.

Me; You can't complain about sounding like an alcoholic when you wake a man at 3 in the afternoon to identify yourself as Becky Who Drinks.

BeckyWD; You did that. You gave me that name on your blog.

Me; Did not.

BeckyWD; Did too.

Me; Did not.

BeckyWD; Stop. I am not a drunk.

Me; That's what Drunky McDrunkington used to say.

BeckyWD; Did he now.

Me; True, he would actually say that shit faced drunk.

BeckyWD; Have you ever seen me shit faced drunk.

Me; Doggy style.

BeckyWD; What's that?

Me; I have not seen you shit faced drunk.

BeckyWD; That's not what you said.

Me; No, to answer your question, I have never seen you totally shit faced drunk.

BeckyWD; See that?

Me; What?

BeckyWD; You added a "totally" in the sentence.

Me; Don't think I did.

BeckyWD; Well, if you use this in your blog, be sure and edit out the part that makes you look like a weasel.

Me; I always do.

BeckyWD; What did doggy style mean.

Me; No idea what you are talking about.

BeckyWD; Hey shit head, page up, you said "doggy Style?"

Me; Right.

BeckyWD; Yes, right. So, why did you throw that in there.

Me; Might have been the only time I saw you shit faced drunk.

BeckyWD; Portland?

Me; Yes, Portland. My lord...

BeckyWD; That's true. Well, not me being shit faced. I was not.

Me; Seemed like it.

BeckyWD; I imagine from your perspective that might be true.

Me; I imagine from the bartenders perspective it might be true.

BeckyWD; Right, that too.

Me; Good times though.

BeckyWD; Not the point of this call actually. You wrote in your blog about me.

Me; Yeah, but I did not use your real name or any real identifying characteristics.

BeckyWD; Let's see, red hair, lobby for gun rights, was in Pittsburgh for the NRA convention. I could go on.

Me; That and you drink.

BeckyWD; Seriously, shut up. I am not an alcoholic.

Me; Me neither.

BeckyWD; I liked you better when you weren't drinking.

Me; Well, I am working my way to becoming an alcoholic.

BeckyWD; Nice goal.

Me; Alcohol is my gateway drug, I hope to be shooting heroin when I turn 80.

BeckyWD; Just when you turn 80, or will you already be shooting.

Me; God no. I mean, first I hate needles and 3, I could not sustain the addict lifestyle, I want to start around 80.

BeckyWD; You missed 2.

Me; What?

BeckyWD; You said point one, and then point 3. There was no point 2.

Me; So?

BeckyWD; Just makes sense that if you have only two points to make, you might go from one to two, instead of jumping over 2 and moving directly to 3.

Me; Fuck 2.

BeckyWD; Anyway, my point is, or was, is that you did not have to keep mentioning that I was drinking. Plus, to be honest, the post about me? It sucked.

Me; Not true.

BeckyWD; No, seriously, it sucked.

Me; Right. That part I agree with.

BeckyWD; So, maybe what you could do is do one of those stupid interview things where you write down what the person says.

Me; I did that a week ago with Houdini. People loved it, most popular post ever on the blog.

BeckyWD; Right, so do me some help. Do one of those, but make it interesting.

Me; I'm not sure that's possible. Well, wait, are you drinking now.

BeckyWD; Glass of wine, why?

Me; Well, I mean, your name is Becky Who Dirnks. And you are drinking. Got it.

BeckyWD; No, don't focus on the drinking. I could tell some sort of funny story. I walked in on Senator Ensign masturbating at a gun show in Phoenix.

Me; That's gross. That's not funny. That's plain gross. There is nothing about that story that is funny. Entirely gross. Thanks for that. You know what, if I was typing everything you said, I would add that part about a senator yanking in Arizona and I would find a way to remind people that you told that unfunny lame ass story while drinking alcohol.

BeckyWD; Wine.

Me; Oh, wine is alcohol. You know what Drunky McDrunkington used to say? Wine is alcohol like pot is brownies.

BeckyWD; He really was an idiot.

Me; Was? I believe he still is.

BeckyWD; Anyway, could you please do something to rehab my presence on your blog?

Me; You want to be a reoccurring character?

BeckyWD; Is Houdini?

Me; Gots to be. People love him. Although, in a month, during a blind rage over an answer I get wrong while watching Jeopardy, I am going to brutally kill him.

BeckyWD; I want in on that.

Me; Step up your game Becky Who Drinks, or no one will want you involved in the story.

BeckyWD; Please don't call me Becky Who Drinks.

Me; Hey now, calm down. Do you think Drunky McDrunkington likes his name?

BeckyWD; But that's his real name.

Me; As is yours, as is yours....


  1. Fucking A. Stayed at work late to send a file, checked this, found this post. YES!!! Fucking brilliant. Thank you. Going out for a drink now, maybe I can meet Becky Who Drinks.
    Doggy Style.
    Thank you. Fucking brilliant.

  2. First response. Loved the Twitter tease. This is almost like a short play. I see her holding her wine glass, trying to make sense, and you, sleeping somewhere, never bothering to make sense. Pinter. Absurd and funny and I like the interplay. Keep it up.

  3. lol, and here I thought Becky Who Drinks was fake. Damn, she messed up your head.

  4. Please post pics of Becky who is a drunk and possibly a contact number.

  5. Alcoholism is a disease. You may want to not make a disease the center of some long running gag. Would it be funny to you if it was Becky With Breast Cancer? Or Becky with Mental health issues? How about Becky the coke head. Just not funny. I get what you are doing, I just think you should step back and realize not everyone is in on the joke.

  6. Fake fake fake. No drunk Becky. Never happened. Unless you have pics.

  7. I like a woman who can have a cocktail. God that sounds nasty. Nothing wrong with a drink.
