Well, I have been kind of skipping around the downtown region today, not quite skipping, but there certainly would have been a smile on my face had any taken the time to notice.
A lot of good things have happened in 2011, and today was one of the better days. I continue to cherish my shallow psychology of living philosophy, which has often saved me from despair. Simply put, I do not dwell on the bad or negative and I give up on thinking about the past that I can no longer negotiate.
Fairly simple, right? You would be surprised how many people almost have a sense of pride in being bogged down by their own injustices. Even my incredibly shallow friends will be moaning about some sort of childhood trauma that happened decades ago and when I point out that since they can not go back and right those particular wrongs, it might be smart of let it all go. Of course, they like feeling sorry or victimized or whatever it is they wallow in, which really is the reason they bring up drunk mommy or abusive daddy, not because those scars are so readily available, but they seem to enjoy pointing out they survived, or something.
Sad to say I seem to know too many people who dwell. Why? I have no clue, probably because it's like a comfortable old shirt at this point and they just like wearing it for all the world to see. These same people will cry about how screwy their lives are, how they can not find a significant other of some sort, or some other life long malady, but the reality is, these people choose to focus on some long ago trauma, rather than accept those things they can change and forget about those things they can not.
I know, almost sounds like NA or AA or whatever A you are using as a crutch.
Either way, today has been another in a series of remarkably fun and wonderful days.
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