Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stand back

A few years ago I was a serious cyclist. The first year I trained I was on an old Cannondale mountain bike, wearing gray sweatpants and a t-shirt and if it was cold, a sweatshirt and if it was raining, an ill fitting slicker.

When I got into shape I bought a road bike. I started to wear bike gear, spandex shorts, cleats and shirts that could breath out the sweat. Even at that point I needed mileage to really start to loosen up the muscles in my legs. The first 5 miles of each ride was really about loosening up, but right about the fifth mile of my warm up, I would find myself on this flat road, running along the shore of Bainbridge Island, Washington.

I would check my speed and the first year, it was maybe 14 miles per hour. What I did was internally note that and try and ride 10 percent faster the next summer. Every summer I would try and ride 10 percent higher than the previous summer. Starting at 14 miles per hour was a good, low level of speed to grow from. Keep in mind, unless there was snow on the road, I would ride right through all the seasons, but it was my summer average I was paying attention to.

The next summer I averaged 16 miles per hour, beating my 10 percent goal. The next I clocked in at 18 and change. I was strong and constantly riding, so I could will myself to push hard and go faster. I got to the point where, on those flats, with no wind, I was averaging 22 miles per hour.

The real goal for me was always 10 percent. I just wanted to get faster. I lost weight and rode in the wind, the rain and even in snowy conditions. I was an addict and my real high was increasing the speed.

The last few weeks this blog has been gaining new readers on a daily basis. We set a record for most hits in a single day about a week or so ago, a new high. Then yesterday, we blasted right past that number. Today, and it's about 2PM on the east coast as I write this, we have surpassed yesterdays record breaking number by 10 percent.

As a way of thanking you, oh first, since I am competitive this way, please copy this blog address and send it to friends, or enemies, or just old professors, and tell them to check it. I'd like to keep the ten percent increase going. Anyway, as my way of thanking you, and especially those people who click donate on the right side of this page, I am not going to delete any more comments today. That should shut up that particular debate.

Oh, and I can say fuck too. Wow, just typing fuck makes me feel like so much more of a man. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.




  1. Without a pic, you were never a cyclist.

  2. Is fuck a bad word? Do you have a list of words that lead to being deleted?

  3. There is a reason more and more people are reading this blog. Train wrecks are always entertaining.

  4. Did you say fuck and then shit and then fuck again?

  5. I started coming for the writing, not I wait for the comments.

  6. Yeah, if you are a cyclist, how bout some pics of your legs?

  7. This is all so gay, you may as well go write about sketchy and his collection of stds

  8. There is a reason for so many people checking out this blog. Your god damned twitter shit. Give it a rest and this site will dry up.

  9. Twitter up a storm. The internet is a vast wasteland of amazon sales and porn, this site is refreshing. In a better world this site would get millions of hits and "Peter slams Lois" would dry up and disappear.
