Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Worst. Mother. Ever.

I just got a phone call from my real mother. My bio-mother died a few years ago, but for as long as I can remember, my real mother has been there for me. She turned me on to art and a life outside the box. She taught me that love can come and love can go and the important thing is to love with integrity.

Heck, now that I think about it, she really is responsible for almost all the good things that are part of me.

That said, she just called to wish me happy birthday.

I may not have laughed that hard for years. In fact, even as I write this I am laughing. This is a woman who knew me when I was a small boy, who saw me graduate from buzz cuts to hippy hair and back again. This is a woman who has counseled me on my most intimate issues. This is a woman who knows more about me than any other person in the world. This is my mother, who does not know what day I was born on.


  1. Mothers are rarely perfect. Since you did not pop out of her, you might want to cut her some slack.

  2. I am guessing you will be posting some nude pics of this woman, yes?

  3. Jesus, this is a record setting day for you complaining about petty and useless things.

    Keep up the good work. Without your blog, I might get some work done.

  4. Your dead fiancee, Becky, is never quite sure what day it is either...just saying...

  5. Inside joke alert. Inside joke alert.
