Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don't harsh my mellow

So I was fast walking around the city today and damned if there are not a gaggle of beautiful people out and about. Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I am in a deeply committed relationship right now, madly in love and monogamous. That said, I was unable to hide my glee at all the beautiful people, and in one case, stop in the sidewalk, turn around and catch the person I had made the most amazing eye contact with turn around too and check each other out.

Spring time has long been one of my favorite seasons, right next to winter, fall and some of summer. What I especially like about being in the Northeast is how hideous we all begin to look around, oh, February 14th. In fact, this year, my steady love gave me a day at a spa and tanning salon as a Valentines gift. At first I was a little depressed, but then I realized, massage, manicure and steam, plus a vegetarian meal midway and ending with a few minutes of radiation, how could I stay angry?

Today though, the beauties and close to beauty were bounding around the streets with me, checking everyone out, saying hello and smiling.

I called my committed partner while I took a short break from fast walking around the city and apologized for all my thoughts. The response? "Are you apologizing for walking around the city checking out hotties? Don't apologize, send pictures"


  1. Committed relationship? Seriously, put down the pipe, go speed walk through hell and say hello to your mother for me.

  2. I was out riding my bike today and I saw plenty of hot women. Move to Florida, better weather, better beauty and you can bike ride every day.

  3. You are in a committed relationship? Please tell me her name is Becky.

  4. Commentator one should be punched in their stupid stupid face place. It is one thing to make fun of someones writing, or the way they dress or hair cut, but to attack someones mother? That's low.

  5. If you are in love, I say more power to you. You deserve someone who is sweet and loving.

  6. Well, if you are taking pictures of hotties, post them here, otherwise, never happened.
