Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On being Becky

Oh, not only do I get email, I get postings on my Facebook page.

Speaking of facebook, no wait, here is a letter I received recently.

How can I become one of your Beckys? Yes, I read your blog, and yes, sometimes it is funny and sometimes, not so much. Lately there were some posts about Becky and I want to be one of your Beckys. I am not sure what the honorific will mean on my resume, but judging by the way you write about all the other Beckys in your life, I think I would be a good Becky.
A little about me...

And there you have it, proof positive that if you lay it out there on the internet of love, what you will get back is at least another Becky.

So, how does one become a Becky? This is an interesting question, because all the Beckys in my life, my lord I may be about to join Charlie Sheen on the insane drugged and winning tour, but to become a Becky, you need to be a Becky. Do you laugh at stupid jokes? Do you make stupid jokes? Like cheap Mexican food? Rate movies by their ability to make you laugh? (Shindlers List, not funny - The Hangover, funny). Do you ride a bike or know someone who does? Artistic? Sexy? Complicated? Smart, possibly super smart? On and on, the list could be endless, but that's good enough.

Now, Being a Becky is a lot like being Native American. Here is how it works. For many years now when I fill out a legal form of any sort and it asks what my ethnicity is I always put either Alaska Native, or American Indian. Why? Well, for the most part, who knows these things? And also, because no one ever says, seriously?

So, if you want to be a Becky, you probably already are a Becky.

Just so you know, being a Becky is super fun. We have parties. We have beach parties. We have bike riding parties. Fajita parties. Sometimes all on the same day. There is a great responsibility in being a Becky, it is not all about games and social events. Part of it is answering the phone.

So, send in those applications. If you send me a naked picture of a video of you naked, possibly with someone else, doing things that even I would be shocked at, well, I will thank you, but you will not be a Becky. Not a single Becky would find that appealing, and being judged by other Beckys is part of the process, or maybe not. It's a mystery how this all works.


  1. Can guys be Becky too?

  2. Is there a BA? Becky Anonymous? "Hi my name is Becky, and I am addicted to reading a blog that focuses exclusively on me."

  3. I want to be Becky too.

  4. If you want to be a Becky, you probably already are a Becky.
    I have too much facial hair to be a Becky, but how does one become the male version? Do you have a male version? Please tell me the male version is not also Becky.

  5. I just finished a donut and read this post. It is sexist to not have the male version of Becky. You will be hearing from my lawyer. Plus, someone has to clean the donut off my keyboard.

  6. My sister in law is named Becky and I have a long running fantasy, oh never mind.

  7. I am hiring Libitard/Kitty to represent me in a case I call, "the man who refused to allow me to become a Becky".
    You sir, will hear from my lawyer.

  8. I have never liked the name Becky. Can I use the name Becky to refer to the loud people on cell phones on my bus in the morning?

  9. Be careful. I sense the wrath of a bunch of angry, hairy legged women bitching about Becky in your comments section.
    Of course, they might just complain about me calling them angry hairy legged women.
    Oh well.
    Love the blog,

  10. Damn, just spending my lunch reading back over this weeks post. Pretty impressive, but to be honest, I am not going to beg to be allowed into your Becky club. I just love the concept. You know you have some special friends if they allow you to call all of them Becky. That is just hilarious.
