OK, as anyone who frequents this mess of a blog, you know I am constantly looking for commercial payoffs, I mean, tradeoffs, or something. Fiat has not come thru, Google has, but like so many of my ex-lovers, complete disappointment.
Now, Ipad2 has shown up and it's time for Apple to Kick in. See, I edit films on Apple products. I run websites on Apple software. I communicate with friends via Apple products. I eat an Apple a day to keep the doctor away, you get the idea. If Apple made an inflatable love doll, yes.
So, Apple people, I really would appreciate a new Ipad. You have my word that I will use it all the time. I will also talk endlessly about my love for my new Ipad right here, in front of the millions who read this blog in a variety of langauges (shout out to my new Libyan friends).
So, get on it Cupertino cruisers. I need me an Ipad and I would appreciate it if I do not have to pay for one.
Yeah, good luck with that/