Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Then this

The good thing about having an internet presence is that people can view your work, in my case short films on creative professionals, and they can get in touch and ask if you are interested in well paying projects.

The bad thing is that people send you emails and ask you to create something for free. Or something like that.

That, and they send your questions.

"I have been reading your blog and I keep wondering, with the shots you take at people barely hidden by cute names, Drunky McDrunkenstein, do you ever worry about getting sued?"

See what I mean? Let me explain the law to you, dear reader. You can not damage the character of damaged people. If people are scummy, or addicts or just stupid, it can not be illegal to point that out. At least I think that is true.

Then there is this: "I am an older woman, single for many years, and you seem to have ideas for everyone, so my question is, how does an older woman, in good shape and of sound mind, find a nice gentleman to date?"

I once dated this young beautiful woman and her 84 year old grandmother was complaining because the elderly man she was "seeing" wanted more, wanted to move in, wanted to get married, wanted to make it formal. She viewed him as little more than a booty call. Did I mention she was 84? How did she find him? She was social, lovely and sweet as you can imagine. Become those things and sexy, intelligent men looking for a long term relationship will beat down your condo door.

Then again, I get this: "My dog seems depressed. He lays in my bed when I leave for work with a forlorn look on his face and as far as I know, he stays there until I get home in the evening. Suggestions?"

Uhhh, yeah. Get rid of the dog. He is depressed. Even if you have a swell bed, especially a swell bed for a dog, which means lots of funky smells and stains, he is still alone the vast majority of his day, doing what dogs do. Work from home more days. Find ways to come home for lunch and go for a walk. Imagine spending all day, every day, in a bed filled with funky smells and stains. Dogs need to do dog things. Quit putting everything else in front of your pooches well being.

Well, glad I got that out of the way.


  1. Your explanation of libel law is wonderfully wrong. My sense is that no one would sue you because they would have to go to court and prove they are no addicts or losers or whatever. You would have a field day pointing out all the things that make them such lamp posts. Keep it up, I check in on your blog a couple of times a day, just for the laughs.
    You never answered my email, I am super well hung and incredibly handsome, need dating advice. :)

  2. Internet presence? Seriously? If you are going to lose your mind in public, try a little more Charlie Sheen and a little less Kardashian.

  3. Love the advice for the poor dog owner>

  4. The world would be a lot better if everyone was a little more Sheen and a little less Kardashian.

  5. I have no clue who the people are behind these names, Drunk, Sketchy, Shoping Woman, Wicked Witch (yes I read back a lot of posts). I doubt they know either, and if they complain, I hope it ends up on this blog.
    I end up smiling when I read this and thats a good thing.
