Sunday, March 13, 2011


I am not a big twitter head, nor do I understand what exactly its purpose is. Then, yesterday, I saw a post in the morning, some guy who follows me twitted about enjoying a glass of Peet's coffee in San Francisco, claiming it was the best.

Now, at some point, we all have our breaking points. For me, at this point in my life, it is really all about good coffee. I know, I am a simpleton, deal.

So, in my brain dead way, I tweeted back, try Ritual Coffee, because it is the best in the country. For those of you who do not frequent San Francisco, go here and order some fresh roasted coffee.

So, back to my tweeting. I was recycling some junk and my phone buzzed, which it does when I get voicemail, email or a text message. Tangent time, I can not remember a time when I did not have a cell phone and mostly, I can not remember a time where I did not have a smart phone that had access to all my mail and other important electronic stuff. Then again, I long for the time when I have a cabin somewhere, with no electricity, no internet and no phone. Strange how that is, because I like connectivity, but I long for none.

Back to tweeting. The buzzing from my pocket was a tweet. A message from the coffee drinker in San Francisco, someone I do not and probably will not ever know. He wanted to know why Ritual was so great. I responded, he asked where it was, I told him about the Google machine and if he typed Ritual Roasters in, he would probably be able to navigate an address. He thanked me and that was it.

I was left feeling like I had accomplished something and nothing, all at once. Thank you Twitter. I will not miss you when I move to the powerless cabin.


  1. "Freshness is really important." Yes it is. Ritual is the best coffee on the West Coast.

  2. Twitter is for idiots and morons, which are you?
