Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The perfect machine

I rarely check facebook any more, mostly because I find it all kind of scary. Yesterday I got a lovely love letter from a lovely man, a bike rider, a bike shop owner (former) and just an all around sweet man.

He is in the film below, but that is not why I sing his praises. I just like him. As with most people who do something in their life that they have passion for, he always seems centered and healthy.

So, there in the dark and twisted pages of Facebook was a nice little note, telling me how he found this film and he was reminded how handsome I am. Actually he did not say that, although that would have been a sweet note to receive.

No, he liked the film.

So be it.


  1. The perfect machine? OK, so there are some pretty images, but come on, talk about over hype.

  2. You should post pics of your legs, just sayin.
