Wow, I just walked around the downtown core of the city, which is easy to do in Pittsburgh because it is about 5 blocks, but on a day like today, those five blocks are glorious.
So many beautiful people out and about. This is what I love about spring, all of a sudden, all the doughy little people who populate the streets with cigarettes and bulky jackets all winter seem to evaporate and allow room for the healthy, the sexy and the adorable. What I also love about this time of the year is how open people are to conversation and a quick and friendly hello.
I am a shy person, painfully so in most public spaces, and I go out of my way to say hello because I once read somewhere that saying hello to strangers is a good way to get over your shyness. Hello I say, beautiful day. Sometimes I check the person out, because that too is part of who I am, but mostly, it is just wonderful to be out, in a shirt, walking around, enjoying the sun and the laziness of a Friday afternoon is a semi-small city.
Speaking of which, Dodgers and Pirates tickets are in my hand. Kind of one of those perfect days that open up and hold you close.
Doughy people? Post your pic before you call others doughy, pop n fresh.