Monday, March 14, 2011

One more not so gay thing

I love the letters. Thank you for writing and sharing, but my dear gay friends, I need other people to write. Sure, gays have relationship problems just like everyone else, so for a week or two, what do you say we let the everyone else email their issues?

I sure would like to get back to lecturing some straight people on the screwy relationships. Or horses. I like horses.

So, if you gay people must write, feel free to do it, but for the rest of March, let the straights scream and yell.

Oh, and my straight brothers and sisters, the call is out there, send in those emails will with trials and tribulations. I don't have answers, but I do know how to type.


  1. I don't know, most of the letters from gay people seem like they could have been from straight people. Don't shut out your gay people just because of your own prejudice. Gays are people too. Much of what they are writing about, cheaters, liars, addicts are part of the human condition, not the gay condition.

  2. The world would be a better place with more gay people and fewer straights. Then again, I would like to read some of the letters from miserable straight people in sexless marriages. Of course, they do get marriage, so the suffering should be more pronounced.

  3. I could live without thinking about gay sex for a few months or more. Gays have screwed up relationships because they are proto men spoiled and self centered. I am all for gays, but be real, they are often sexually out of control.
